US military deployment in Asia
We all know that the terrorist country of China spread the deadly virus like corona all over the world and so far countries all over the world are trying to avoid this virus. Almost the whole world is plagued by the virus and some of them are in dire straits. In the current situation, China is continuing to push for its expansionist policy. China has been violating the rights of Hong Kong residents by enforcing its strict rule of law in the disputed Hong Kong, as well as unsuccessful attempts to annex an area like line of control to China. With this in mind, India has also purchased weapons such as Russia to deactivate cold missiles to further enhance its military capabilities. The current situation is almost like a war on both sides (India and China). Why is China trying to create such a situation? What is the benefit to Chin in this? It is natural for us to get up and this is how I got the answer. Reasons: - 1) Corona's impact on China as well as ot...